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发布时间: 2019年05月08日 13时38分  作者:本站编辑   来源:本站原创   浏览次数:


                          姓名:张晓燕        性别:女            

                  学历:博士        职称:教授

                 部门:智能科学系      邮箱:zhangxiaoyan@swu.edu.cn  



张晓燕,博士,教授,博士生导师,澳门科技大学访问学者,中国计算机学会会员,中国人工智能学会粒计算与知识发现专业委员会委员,中国人工智能学会人工智能基础专业委员会委员,国家自然科学基金通信评议专家,国际重要期刊《Information Sciences》、《Fuzzy Sets and Systems》、《Knowledge-Based Systems》等审稿人,在国内外重要学术期刊上发表学术论文60余篇,其中SCI检索40余篇(次),分别以独著、第一主编、第二主编出版4部著作;作为负责人主持3项国家自然科学基金、多项省部级科技项目等。同时,参编1部全国高等农林院校“十三五”规划教材,获首届全国高校数学微课程教学设计竞赛全国“一等奖”、西南赛区“特等奖”,重庆市高校微课教学比赛“一等奖”,重庆市普通本科院校青年教师教学技能大赛“二等奖”、西南大学“线上优质课程”1门,并以第一完成人身份获校级教学成果“三等奖”1项,2021年获西南大学首届“金牌讲习者”称号,多次荣获校级“优秀教师”、“优秀科研工作者”、“优秀党务工作者”等荣誉称号。











1.Zhang Xiaoyan, Zhao Weicheng. Uncertainty measures and feature selection based on composite entropy for generalized multigranulation fuzzy neighborhood rough set, Fuzzy Sets and Systems. 2024, 486, 108971. (SCI: SD0E2, JCR:Q1, 中科院1区,TOP期刊)

2.Zhang Xiaoyan, Feng Zihan. Feature selection based on contradictory state sequence for multi-scale interval valued decision table. Information Sciences, 2024, 677: 120926. (IF:8.233, JCR:Q1, 中科院1区,TOP期刊)

3.Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Jirong. Incremental feature selection approach to interval-valued fuzzy decision information systems based on λ-fuzzy similarity self-information. Information Sciences, 2023, 625: 593-619. (IF:8.233, JCR:Q1, 中科院1区,TOP期刊)

4.Zhang Xiaoyan, Huang Xudong, Xu WeihuaMatrix-based multi-granulation fusion approach for dynamic updating of knowledge in multi-source information. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2023, 262: 110257. (IF:8.139, JCR:Q1, 中科院1区,TOP期刊)

5.Zhang Xiaoyan, Hang Yuyang. Optimal scale selection and knowledge discovery in generalized multi-scale decision tables. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2023, 161: 108983. ( IF:4.452, JCR:Q2, 中科院2)

6.Zhang Xiaoyan, Hou Jianglong. A novel rough set method based on adjustable-perspective dominance relations in intuitionistic fuzzy ordered decision tables. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning. 2023, 154: 218-241. ( IF:4.452, JCR:Q2, 中科院2)

7.Zhang Xiaoyan, Guo Doudou, Xu Weihua. Two-way concept-cognitive learning with multi-source fuzzy context. Cognitive Computation. 2023, 1515261548 . ( IF:5.4, JCR:Q2, 中科院2)

8.Zhang Xiaoyan, Jiang Zongying, Xu Weihua. Feature selection using a weighted method in interval-valued decision information systems. Applied Intelligence, 2023, 53(9): 9858-9877. (IF:5.3, JCR:Q2, 中科院2)

9.Zhang Xiaoyan, Chen Xiuwei, Xu WeihuaDing Weiping. Dynamic information fusion in multi-source incomplete interval-valued information system with variation of information sources and attributes. Information Sciences, 2022, 608: 1-27. (IF:8.233, JCR:Q1, 中科院1区,TOP期刊)

10.Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Jirong, Mi Jusheng. Dynamic updating approximations approach to multi-granulation interval-valued hesitant fuzzy information systems with time-evolving attributes. Knowledge-Based Systems, 2022, 238: 107809.( IF:8.139, JCR:Q1, 中科院1区,TOP期刊)

11.Zhang Xiaoyan, Hou Jianglong. A novel rough set method based on adjustable-perspective dominance relation in intuitionistic fuzzy ordered decision table. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 2023, 154:218-241. ( IF:4.452, JCR:Q2, 中科院2)

12.Zhang Xiaoyan, Hou Jianglong, Li Jirong. Multigranulation rough set methods and applications based on neighborhood dominance relation in intuitionistic fuzzy datasets. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2022, 24(8): 3602-3625. (IF: 4.085, JCR:Q1)

13.Zhang Xiaoyan, Li Jirong, Wu Mingling. Multi-granulation interval-valued fuzzy rough set model under hesitant environment. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 2021, 22(10): 2231-2245. (IF: 1.016, JCR: Q2)

14.Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Ling, Xu Weihua. Attributes reduction and rules acquisition in a lattice-valued information system with fuzzy decision. International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2017, 8(1): 135-148. (IF:4.377, JCR:Q2)

15.Li Zhen, Zhang Xiaoyan*. Multiple granulation rough set approach to interval-valued intuitionistic fuzzy ordered information systems. Symmetry, 2021, 13, 949. (IF: 2.94, JCR:Q2)

16.Lin Bingyan, Zhang Xiaoyan*, et al, Dynamically updating approximations based on multi-threshold tolerance relation in incomplete interval-valued decision information systems. Knowledge and Information Systems, 2020, 62(3): 1063- 1087. (IF: 2.531, JCR:Q3)

17.Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*, et al. Local multigranulation decision-theoretic rough set in ordered information systems. Soft Computing. 2019, 23(4): 13247-13261. (IF:3.732, JCR: Q2)

18.Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Partially consistent reduction based on discernibility information tree in interval-valued fuzzy ordered information systems with decision. Journal of Nonlinear and convex analysis, 2019, 20(6):1077-1087. (IF:1.016 , JCR:Q2)

19.Yang Lei, Zhang Xiaoyan*, et al. Multi-granulation rough sets and uncertainty measurement for multi-source fuzzy information system. International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2019, 21(6):1919-1937. (IF:4.085, JCR:Q2)

20.Lin Bingyan, Zhang Xiaoyan*. Relative reduction of incomplete interval-valued decision information systems associated with evidence theory. Journal of Information Sciences and Engineering, 2019, 35(6): 1377-1396. (IF:1.142, JCR:Q4)

21.Zhang Jia, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua, Lower approximation reduction based on discernibility information tree in inconsistent ordered decision information systems. Symmetry, 2018, 10(12): 696. (IF:2.94, JCR:Q2)

22.Sang Binbin, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Xu Weihua. Attribute reduction of relative knowledge granularity in intuitionistic fuzzy ordered decision table, Filomat, 2018, 32(5): 1727-1736. (IF:0.988, JCR:Q2)

23.Zhang Xiaoyan, Wei Ling, Xu Weihua. Attributes reduction and rules acquisition in a lattice-valued information system with fuzzy decision, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics. 2017, 8(1): 135-148. (IF:4.377, JCR:Q2)

24.Li Mengmeng, Zhang Xiaoyan*, Information Fusion in a Multi-source incomplete information system based on information entropy. Entropy, 2017, 19(11), 570, DOI: 10.3390/e19110570. (IF:2.738, JCR:Q2)

25.张晓燕,黄雨阳.广义多尺度决策表最优尺度选择的快速算法.闽南师范大学学报(自然科学版):2024, 37(2)1-7

26.张晓燕,匡洪毅. 区间值序决策表的条件熵属性约简. 山西大学学报(自然科学版). 2023,461):101-107. (CSCD)

27.张晓燕,王佳一. 属性聚类下三支概念的对比. 计算机应用. 2023,43(05): 1336-1341. (CSCD)

28.张晓燕, 刘铮, 侯江龙. 直觉模糊偏好度量序决策表的近似约简. 西南大学学报(自然科学版), 202244(9): 168-177.CSCD

29.杨蕾, 张晓燕*, 徐伟华. 区间值序信息系统中差别信息树的属性约简. 计算机科学与探索, 2019, 13(6): 1062-1069.CSCD

30.杨蕾, 张晓燕*, 徐伟华. 序决策信息系统中基于差别信息树的分配约简方法, 郑州大学学报(理学版), 2019, 51(2): 84-89. CSCD

31.张晓燕,史德容,魏玲,格值信息系统的知识分辨度与信息熵.计算机科学与探索. 2017,11 (8): 1340-1346.CSCD

32.张晓燕,桑彬彬,魏玲,格值信息系统的粗糙熵与不确定度量.计算机科学.2017,44 (9): 88-92. CSCD

